Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yes I have!

My first post. 

Wow what a lame way to begin my post. Sorry about that. But I'm half awake, munching on peas and humming a tune to myself. Trying to keep myself awake till I get this post done. I've been busy, so haven't had any time to write anything up on this blog. Charlie's been doing most of the work. I take that back, Charlie's been doing ALL the work, so kudos to her! I really like how the blog turned out.

Below you may find details to what I have been up to the past few days. 

I just came back from a short trip, across the border. Nothing special just went to Johor to get my clothes tailored. Being tall makes it hard to find festive clothes that are the right size. They're either a size too big, or there isn't enough length in it, which would definitely make me look like a kid that outgrew her clothes way too fast. The pain.

Went to a friend's birthday celebration at the Goldkist Resort, at East Coast Park. She's a close friend and the cousin to my boyfriend. She has finally turned 19, but still behaves like she's in kindergarten. Haha! So there were tons of food, tons of fun (i.e. no one slept, playing card games till morning) AND tons of complains from me! 
The chalet is in serious need of renovations. The only thing that they changed in every room is the air-conditioning unit. Which, I must say, was a very good idea. Especially since the humidity level is Singapore at the moment has gone off the charts. But please that's not the only thing that people are looking at when they pay 300+ bucks for a 2-storey chalet. The beds were so old, so dusty. I started having rashes just sitting on them. The wardrobe was... wait there isn't much of a wardrobe to speak of anyway. Don't get me started on the state of the toilet, I went in to have a shower, I didn't feel any cleaner when I came out. Honestly, I saw a small cockroach crawling past me as I showered. I almost DIED! But apart from that I enjoyed myself.

Oh! And my birthday's coming! Yay me! Get me a present please?

This guy right here would be an awesome present! Either that or get me a GTR R35 ok?

Ok, I can't string words into a proper sentence anymore. 
Brain failing. Exhaustion. Sleep i need.


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