Monday, May 17, 2010

Cue birthday song


I just thought I should start blogging a bit more. Today's date is 17th May 2010. It's my dad's birthday. He has turned 50 as of today, which makes him 3 decades older than I am. Wow, I never imagined my dad to be that old. He doesn't look 50 to me though. My dad's a simple guy he doesn't like to celebrate his birthday too lavishly. So today, I went out to buy him a cake. A Mango Mixed Fruit Cake from Polar Puffs & Cakes (I'm not sure whether they're still called polar puffs & cakes thought). The cake was really good, the mango had just the perfect level of sour & sweetness. Very pleasant cake indeed. My dad doesn't fancy chocolate cakes as much, he gets sick of them really quickly.

Though the small celebration today, yesterday my family actually went out to have dinner at Han's River at East Point. My uncle(#7 in the family) and his wife were invited to join us. Honestly, I had a vision that Han's River was a fancy restaurant that served chinese food. Don't ask me why though. It was actually pretty similar to Seoul Garden. The variety of food could actually match that of Seoul Garden, which was impressive. Although, the drinks weren't free flow. 10bucks for a jug of soft drinks that could fill 7 cups. We ordered 2 jugs. The other difference was that their Table BBQ stove was 'smokeless' unlike Seoul Garden, which means you don't end up smelling like you were barbequed when you leave. That was a nice feature.
But there were a few things worth grousing about. The seating wasn't spacious enough and really not comfortable, especially if you're suppose to be spending time there cooking and eating the food, that's not very encouraging. At times the service can be really encouraging, at times it's hard to get their attention. The atmosphere was really noisy, cause we were very close to the other table. The tom yam soup served was quite nice. They used chicken soup as it's base and give you the tom yam paste to mix in, so you can create a soup to your liking.  Apart from that, the place is slightly cheaper than Seoul Garden so you might wanna give it a try. But for me, I don't think I will be going back there anytime soon.

I think my sister might have more photos of the place, but she's asleep so I can't access them.

dev out!

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