Friday, May 14, 2010

Charlie's soon-to-be-regular 1am ramblings

Okay, since I'm stuck at home while my loverly Devyn is once again having a vibrant nightlife, I decided to update this blog just for all you special future readers. I'm starting to think my craziest ideas come at 1am, when I'm cranky but can't fall asleep so I troll the internet for lulz.

Since my own nightlife is very much spent among my friends of the imaginary persuasion, for some reason I feel the need to draw out my thoughts. Tonight's thoughts came while I was scrolling through ONTD (while my ankles are hurting like an old lady's arthritis-prone joints in all this heavy rain after I spent a whole day standing) and saw Emma Watson's lovely mug and effortless smile.

So I thought to myself, why in the world do some girls look so sweet and innocent without having to open up their wide mascaraed eyes and set their gaze somewhere above your head?

I mean, they really don't have to arrange their face into a nice expression at all, and still look so stunning (Liv Tyler, I'm talking to you!). Whereas in all my photos where I'm caught unawares, my own face looks like it inflated to about 3x its normal size and my nose just disappears into my massive cheeks (Don't even ask me how that happens, I myself am trying to figure this out). Instead of a fairy princess, I'm like an ogre of beyond Shrek-like proportions.

I coloured my hair gray, not because it's gray, but so its lovely individual curls get some representation at least in illustration, even if everybody insists my hair doesn't fall into nice ringlets in real life.

Anyway. In my head I look like a grandmother with a plaster stuck across her nose. I'm actually ashamed to say that that's how my eyebrows look like in real life.

What's that? Get them plucked/tweezed? Did you think I never thought of that? I'm sorry, but plucking or tweezing hair doesn't make it STRAIGHT. Did you think it makes sense that someone with curly hair on her head has straight hair elsewhere on her body? NO. NO. My eyebrow hairs are freaking ringlets alright, and until someone invents a method of straightening them that doesn't involve an iron or me directing a hot hair dryer at my forehead, like picture below:

..My eyebrows will remain curly and a constant distraction for you whenever we talk face to face. I'm this close to doing a Minah version 2.0, where I shave my eyebrows out and draw them on with a wrong coloured eyebrow pencil (I'm sorry, but just because you DYED your hair a failed blonde I mean brown, doesn't mean that your natural eyebrow colour is brown! You should know by now brown looks orange on your Asian skin!).

Okay, this post is just going to surprise Devyn when she finally comes home to her laptop. I think when I start whining about my eyebrows I should just stop typing in words altogether.

I bid thee adieu!
-Charles X. Xavier Version 2.0

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