Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So we're busier than we thought

Me and Devyn haven't been updating recently because it turns out we've got lives. But anyway, here's some update on the things we've done together (because there are some things I do alone that should never be shared with the world mwahaha).

We just went through YOG camp! To be fair, it was three days of being stuck in the same building, eating good food but being bored for about 23 hours when it wasn't our turn to rehearse presenting. So we filled it up with some good old cartwheeling (I tried my best but gravity, thou art a heartless bitch) and a little camwhoring.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Devyn and Charlie Take on Road Pricing!

Well, not really. But today was our very first semi-grown-up day out, since our duo finally has a licensed driver! I always knew that Devyn would be the first one to get her license, since she's all cars-y (oooh boys, we all know you love a chick who loves her cars) and also because I've got no (proper and unembarrassing) car to drive. Besides, the most impressive thing I've done with/to/for a car is my game on Need for Speed, but even then I can't beat the time limit (New Kid On The Block challenge too, how embarrassing).

ANYWHO. I took the bus over to her house and we chilled for a while while she watched some Korean show (granted, it was semi entertaining thanks to emo kid in the black vest in the picture below with his emo singing)

Anyway, soon after that we went on our drive! We sent her brother to school and then started on our way to the flea market at Clarke Quay. We thought we'd be awesome and wouldn't get lost, but Alas! It seems you can't trust gothere.sg as much as you'd like to, because YOU DO NOT EXIT AT EXIT 11 if you want to go to Clarke Quay. So we drove a very long way into the heartlands looking for a place to U-turn, seeing as Devyn's car was big like a new born baby whale and we couldn't trust her very fresh driving. But grrrrl, skills. She has them.

Anywho, after that there isn't much to tell. Except Central has got a 5 storey spiral that you need to drive up to get to the carpark. Hello, I've never been drunk but that mustave been what it feels like to have 5 shots of tequila. Picture spam time!

 DAMN UGLY AHHH. Like, wtf is up with my chin. I sense an eating disorder coming on.

Aww, how purty.It's not really a Polaroid, just the fake computer version called Poladroid. Go check it out!

You know those emotive scenes where the camera just shows you the car's POV of driving through a tunnel, but at like twice the speed? Yea, this is like that.

I'd have more pictures, but they all turned out blurry! I dropped my camera and I think it must have broken something inside, which makes me uber pissed.

Ahh, I'll come back to this post when I've got the time.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Candy for the eyes

Okay, so I'm bored, again. Here's an update on my life! I'm currently watching old, old episodes of 8 Simple Rules to Dating My Teenage Daughter (not like there are any new episodes, HAH) and trying to edit a friend's photo to see how she'd look like blonde.

But anyway, thanks to a very excited Tweet on my Twitter, I'm now surfing through pictures of the very sexy Gaspard Ulliel. Let me share some with you! We should all share what is good, and on bad days, you better take some of the crap I'm going through as well.
Seee, he's so goodlooking oh my goodness. Also, since I just watched Merlin, here's Sir Lancelot (aka Santiago Cabrera) for you

Okay I'm done.

- Do I even need to sign off? It's not like Devyn ever goes this batshit for unattainable men. ie, It's Charlie.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cue birthday song


I just thought I should start blogging a bit more. Today's date is 17th May 2010. It's my dad's birthday. He has turned 50 as of today, which makes him 3 decades older than I am. Wow, I never imagined my dad to be that old. He doesn't look 50 to me though. My dad's a simple guy he doesn't like to celebrate his birthday too lavishly. So today, I went out to buy him a cake. A Mango Mixed Fruit Cake from Polar Puffs & Cakes (I'm not sure whether they're still called polar puffs & cakes thought). The cake was really good, the mango had just the perfect level of sour & sweetness. Very pleasant cake indeed. My dad doesn't fancy chocolate cakes as much, he gets sick of them really quickly.

Though the small celebration today, yesterday my family actually went out to have dinner at Han's River at East Point. My uncle(#7 in the family) and his wife were invited to join us. Honestly, I had a vision that Han's River was a fancy restaurant that served chinese food. Don't ask me why though. It was actually pretty similar to Seoul Garden. The variety of food could actually match that of Seoul Garden, which was impressive. Although, the drinks weren't free flow. 10bucks for a jug of soft drinks that could fill 7 cups. We ordered 2 jugs. The other difference was that their Table BBQ stove was 'smokeless' unlike Seoul Garden, which means you don't end up smelling like you were barbequed when you leave. That was a nice feature.
But there were a few things worth grousing about. The seating wasn't spacious enough and really not comfortable, especially if you're suppose to be spending time there cooking and eating the food, that's not very encouraging. At times the service can be really encouraging, at times it's hard to get their attention. The atmosphere was really noisy, cause we were very close to the other table. The tom yam soup served was quite nice. They used chicken soup as it's base and give you the tom yam paste to mix in, so you can create a soup to your liking.  Apart from that, the place is slightly cheaper than Seoul Garden so you might wanna give it a try. But for me, I don't think I will be going back there anytime soon.

I think my sister might have more photos of the place, but she's asleep so I can't access them.

dev out!

Charlie's wishlist!

Well, we all know that Devyn's birthday is coming. But so is mine, and here's my wishlist!

There's something wrong with DeeDee the Dino's face, but I can't figure out what D:

- Charlie is a common name, doodahh doodahh. Super hard to rise in fame, doodah doodah.